Book Design, Print, Illustration

Who is Harrison? A Book About a Block in San Francisco, is a book of explorations of a specific street in San Francisco. I chose to make a book about this particular block because I spent a lot of time working there at a dog daycare. This book is a recording of my view of the block personified as a character named Harrison.


The book has five sections: Where, Why, When, What and Who. Each section explores the different facets of the block. For example, in the “When” section the book reveals historical information of the block. I concluded the book with the “Who” section so the reader gets a full picture of Harrison by the end of the book and hopefully gets a satisfying answer to the title of the book. Below are some of my favorite spreads from the book.
Front Cover of Who is Harrison?

Front Cover of Who is Harrison?

A spread from Who is Harrison?

A spread from Who is Harrison?

A Spread from Who is Harrison?

A spread from Who is Harrison?

A spread from Who is Harrison?

A spread from Who is Harrison?

A spread from Who is Harrison?

A spread from Who is Harrison?

A spread from Who is Harrison?

A spread from Who is Harrison?

A spread from Who is Harrison?

A spread from Who is Harrison?

A spread from Who is Harrison?

A spread from Who is Harrison?


To make this book I took several photos, some observational sketches and chatted with several passersby from the block. The idea to personify the block into a character came afer I collected all this information. Also, midway of creating this book I realized Harrison was actually a name. It was a funny coincidence and I liked the idea of having an illustrated character be a mascot for the block.
A couple of sketches I drew for the book

Some of the sketches I drew for the book

Explorations for the front cover

Explorations for the front cover

Initial prototypes of the book and book jacket

Initial prototypes of the book and book jacket